Dec 29, 2022 | For Sellers, FSBOs, Housing Market Updates, Selling Myths

With higher mortgage rates and moderating buyer demand, conditions in the housing market are different today. And if you’re thinking of selling your house, it’s important to understand how the market has changed and what that means for you. The best way to make sure you’re in the know is to work with a trusted […]
Dec 2, 2022 | For Sellers, FSBOs, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Selling Myths
![Winter Home Selling Checklist [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market]()
Some Highlights
- As you get ready to sell your house, focus on tasks that make it inviting, show it’s cared for, and boost your curb appeal.
- This list will help you get started, but don’t forget, a real estate professional will provide other helpful tips based on your specific situation.
- Let’s connect so you have advice on what you may want to do to get your house ready to sell this season.