May 12, 2023 | For Buyers, For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Pricing
![The Worst Home Price Declines Are Behind Us [INFOGRAPHIC] Simplifying The Market]()
While home prices vary by local area, they’ve already hit their low point nationally, and now they’re starting to rise again.
May 5, 2023 | For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics
![Reasons To Sell Your House Today [INFOGRAPHIC] Simplifying The Market]()
- Not sure if selling your house is the right move today? You should know there are a number of reasons it still makes sense to sell now.
- Your house will stand out because inventory is low. That’s why the number of offers on recently sold homes is on the rise. And most homeowners have a lot of equity that can fuel a move.
Apr 28, 2023 | First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Interest Rates, Move-Up Buyers, Pricing
![Ways To Overcome Affordability Challenges in Today’s Housing Market [INFOGRAPHIC] Simplifying The Market]()
- With so few homes on the market right now, widening the scope of your search to include nearby areas could help you find more options in your budget.
- You can also work with a trusted lender to consider alternative financing options and search for down payment assistance.
Apr 21, 2023 | First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Move-Up Buyers
![Why You May Want an Energy-Efficient Home [INFOGRAPHIC] Simplifying The Market]()
- Since inflation is increasing the cost of goods and services, it may make sense to look for an energy-efficient home.
- Energy prices have increased over the last year, so look for energy-efficient features in your home search.
Apr 14, 2023 | For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Selling Myths
![Home Inspections for Sellers: What You Need To Know [INFOGRAPHIC] Simplifying The Market]()
- The inspection is a major part of the home selling process.
- Many buyers used to waive inspections to be more competitive with their offer, but recently, inspections and repairs are becoming popular again.
Apr 7, 2023 | First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Pricing
![The Key Advantage of Investing in a Home [INFOGRAPHIC] Simplifying The Market]()
- Buying a home is a major way to build wealth and gain financial stability.
- That’s why, across different income levels, the largest part of most homeowners’ net worth is their equity.