
Market Perspectives Blog Post

Austin, Texas is a vibrant city known for its eclectic music scene, tech hubs, and standout cultural events like ACL, SXSW, and Formula 1. For those interested in tapping into Austin’s tourism market, running a short-term rental (STR) via platforms like Airbnb can be a profitable venture—if managed correctly. Here’s how you can legally and effectively operate an Airbnb in Austin.

1. Obtain the Necessary Legal Permissions

First and foremost, ensure your Airbnb operation is legal. Austin now allows for easier acquisition of STR licenses, regardless of whether you reside in the property. Securing an STR license is crucial as it legitimizes your business, aligns with local regulations, and avoids potential legal troubles. (see below for more on this)

2. Conduct Market Research

Understanding the market is vital. Tools like AirDNA can provide valuable insights into expected pricing, occupancy rates, and seasonal trends specific to Austin. This information will help you set competitive prices and forecast potential earnings. Remember, knowledge of the local market sets the groundwork for a successful STR operation.

3. Establish a Comprehensive Budget

Operating an Airbnb involves various expenses beyond the initial setup. Plan for taxes specific to short-term rentals, platform fees from sites like Airbnb and, and operational costs including cleaning, maintenance, and repairs. A detailed budget will help you manage finances effectively and gauge your venture’s profitability.

4. Secure Appropriate Insurance

Regular landlord insurance does not cover properties used for short-term rentals. Specialized STR insurance is necessary but can cost double that of standard landlord policies. Moreover, while Airbnb provides some insurance, it may not cover damages caused over time by multiple guests. It’s important to thoroughly understand and address these insurance gaps.

5. Know Your Competition

In a city as popular as Austin, competition is fierce. Charging $200 per night simply because of a desirable neighborhood may not suffice. Your property needs to stand out as a superior option compared to other Airbnbs and hotels. Understanding your competition and adjusting your offerings accordingly is crucial for maintaining high occupancy rates and maximizing income.


Benefits and Challenges of Operating an Airbnb in Austin


  • – Flexibility in Pricing: You can increase rates during high-demand periods like major festivals and events.

  • – Market Demand: Austin’s continuous growth in popularity ensures a steady stream of potential guests.



  • – Seasonal Variability: Be prepared for fluctuations. The scorching summer months might require significant price reductions to attract guests.
    – Operational Demands: Managing an STR can be more labor-intensive than long-term rentals, requiring ongoing attention to guest turnover, property maintenance, and customer service.

While the rewards of operating an Airbnb in Austin can be substantial, it requires diligent management and a strategic approach. By securing the proper legal groundwork, understanding the market, budgeting wisely, obtaining the right insurance, and staying competitive, you can turn your property into a profitable STR. Remember, success in this dynamic market demands more than just a great location; it requires a commitment to providing an exceptional guest experience.

Working with a knowledgeable and experienced team can make all the difference. Thinking about buying a property to use for an STR? Contact the Adam Timothy Group. We’re here to guide you through the purchasing process and connect you with a network of trusted vendors for everything from plumbing repairs and landscaping to securing the crucial insurance coverage needed for your investment. Let us help you maximize your Airbnb’s potential!

Refresh on Recent Changes in STR Laws in Austin

Austin has recently updated its regulations regarding short-term rentals (STRs), making it more straightforward for property owners to obtain the necessary licenses. These changes are significant for anyone looking to enter the STR market in the city. Previously, the process was more restrictive, especially for non-owner-occupied properties (Type 2 STRs), which faced numerous hurdles. Now, Austin allows for an easier and more inclusive licensing process, regardless of whether the property owner resides on the premises or not. This adjustment aims to streamline the process and open up more opportunities for both local residents and investors to participate in and benefit from the thriving tourist economy in Austin.

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We don’t just buy and sell homes. We build community by helping clients find their place in the world.

Timothy Powles and Adam Stanley work together on the Adam Timothy Group at Compass RA and manage AT Real Estate Group LLC, a rental and vacation property investment business. We are about building community. We believe a real estate transaction is an important and extremely significant event but relationships last a lifetime. Our clients, partners, and friends trust us to get to know their story and what is most important to them.  And we work tirelessly to retain that trust.



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