May 31, 2023 | Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates

Buying your first home is an exciting decision and a major milestone that has the power to change your life for the better.
Apr 12, 2023 | Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Move-Up Buyers

Have you been saving up to buy a home this year?
Feb 3, 2023 | Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Move-Up Buyers
![You May Not Need as Much as You Think for Your Down Payment [INFOGRAPHIC] Simplifying The Market]()
Some Highlights
- Many people believe you need to put down 20% of the purchase price when you buy a home. But recent homebuyers actually put down far less on their purchase.
- And with programs like FHA loans, VA loans, and USDA loans, some qualified buyers are able to put down as little as 0-3.5%.
Jan 13, 2023 | Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Move-Up Buyers
![Key Terms To Know When Buying a Home [INFOGRAPHIC] Simplifying The Market]()
Some Highlights
- Buying a home is a major transaction that can seem even more complex when you don’t understand the terms used throughout the process.
- If you’re looking to become a homeowner this year, it’s important to know these housing terms and how they relate to the current market so you feel confident throughout the homebuying process.
Jan 3, 2023 | Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates

If you’re getting ready to buy your first home, you’re likely focused on saving up for everything that purchase involves. One cost that’s likely top of mind is your down payment. But don’t let a common misconception about how much you need to save make the process harder than it could be.
Dec 26, 2022 | Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates

Are you prepping to buy your first home? If so, one of the steps you should take early on is making sure you’re financially ready for your purchase. Here are just a few of the financial fundamentals you’ll need to focus on as you set out to buy a home. Build Your Credit Your credit […]