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The Importance of Home Warranties: Why Texas Builders Should Offer Them


Market Perspectives Blog Post

The Importance of Home Warranties: Why Texas Builders Should Offer Them

Homebuyers seek warranties to ensure protection against construction defects, providing peace of mind and financial security. A home warranty can become essential in the home buying process as they cover potential issues with workmanship, materials, and major structural components. These warranties also serve as a competitive advantage for builders, setting a standard in the industry.

The average cost for structural repairs can be substantial, though costs can range widely depending on the severity and type of repairs needed. For example, basic structural repairs might cost around $5,000, while more extensive repairs, such as lifting a foundation, can run between $20,000 and $23,000. Consequently, having insurance coverage for these potential expenses is crucial for homeowners. The high cost of repairs underscores the importance of comprehensive warranties and the financial protection they offer, making them a vital aspect of real estate transactions.

The cost of providing 1/2/10 home warranties varies based on several factors, including the number and average value of homes built, the reputation and history of the builder, and the specific area. Generally, warranty costs range from $300 to $600 per home per year, influenced by the builder’s track record and the overall volume of homes covered. One of the largest providers estimates costs at approximately $3.50 per $1,000 of home value. Larger builders with a positive reputation may benefit from lower rates due to economies of scale and lower risk assessments by warranty providers.

By offering a new-home warranty on every home you sell, you communicate to your buyers that you build a quality product and stand behind your work. This creates buyer confidence and results in a quicker sale and more satisfied customer. And, as buyers are becoming more savvy about home buying and their builder options, choosing a builder that offers warranty protection is becoming a more common requirement.

In June 2023, Texas updated its statute of repose, reducing the period during which buyers can sue builders for construction defects from ten years to six years. This change applies to detached one- and two-family homes and townhomes, provided the builder issues a written warranty meeting specific terms: one year for workmanship and materials, two years for plumbing, electrical, heating, and air-conditioning systems, and six years for major structural components.  While this may eventually make a 1/2/6 warrantee more common, current listings seem to show Builders sticking to the 1/2/10.

Home warranties are a crucial aspect of the home buying process in Texas, providing buyers with confidence and financial protection. The recent changes in the statute of repose emphasize the importance of offering robust warranties. Builders who provide comprehensive 1/2/10 warranties not only meet legal requirements but also stand out in the market, attracting more buyers and ensuring higher satisfaction.

Other Market Perspectives Posts

The Importance of Home Warranties: Why Texas Builders Should Offer Them

Homebuyers seek warranties to ensure protection against construction defects, providing peace of mind and financial security. Warranties become essential in the home buying process as they cover potential issues with workmanship, materials, and major structural components. These warranties also serve as a competitive advantage for builders, setting a standard in the industry.

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What should Buyers do in light of persistent high interest rates?

At the end of the day, it appears unlikely that interest rates will see drastic changes this year, and it is even less probable that they will return to the historically low levels experienced during the pandemic. According to insights from the Mortgage Bankers Association, while a gradual decline in mortgage rates is anticipated, a new normal around 5% could be expected, marking a shift in what homebuyers might consider a favorable rate moving forward. Understanding these aspects can help buyers make informed decisions in a real estate market characterized by relatively elevated mortgage rates.

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Is this the end of elevated interest rates?

At the end of the day, it appears unlikely that interest rates will see drastic changes this year, and it is even less probable that they will return to the historically low levels experienced during the pandemic. For buyers, the projected environment of relatively stable but not drastically reduced interest rates means adjusting expectations and planning accordingly.

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We don’t just buy and sell homes. We build community by helping clients find their place in the world.

Timothy Powles and Adam Stanley work together on the Adam Timothy Group at Compass RA and manage AT Real Estate Group LLC, a rental and vacation property investment business. We are about building community. We believe a real estate transaction is an important and extremely significant event but relationships last a lifetime. Our clients, partners, and friends trust us to get to know their story and what is most important to them.  And we work tirelessly to retain that trust.



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Understanding the HOME Initiative in Austin: Phases, Benefits, and Implications​


Market Perspectives Blog Post

Understanding the HOME Initiative in Austin: Phases, Benefits, and Implications

The HOME Initiative in Austin represents a significant step forward in addressing housing affordability and availability within the city. This initiative, split into two distinct phases, aims to provide more housing options for residents while also offering opportunities for investors. The second phase has just recently been approved, bringing new changes and benefits to the forefront. This article delves into the specifics of the initiative, covering who it includes, how it helps residents and investors, and the associated risks and benefits, supported by expert and community leader opinions.

Phase One: Foundation of the HOME Initiative

The first phase of the HOME Initiative focused on laying the groundwork for increased housing availability. Key components of this phase included:

  1. Zoning Reforms: Adjustments to zoning laws to allow for higher density housing in areas previously restricted to single-family homes. This change aimed to increase the number of available housing units and make better use of urban land.

  2. Incentives for Affordable Housing: Developers were offered incentives, such as tax breaks and expedited permitting processes, for including affordable housing units in their projects. This measure was designed to encourage the construction of mixed-income developments.

  3. Support for Homeowners: Programs to help low-income homeowners with property taxes and home repairs, ensuring that long-term residents were not displaced by rising costs.

Phase Two: Expansion and Enhancement

The second phase of the HOME Initiative, which has just been approved, builds on the successes of the first phase and introduces new elements aimed at further improving the housing situation in Austin. Key aspects of this phase include:

  1. Increased Funding: Allocation of additional funds to support affordable housing projects, including grants for non-profit housing organizations and low-interest loans for developers willing to build affordable units.

  2. Community Land Trusts: Establishment of community land trusts (CLTs) to manage land for affordable housing. CLTs help keep housing prices stable by retaining ownership of the land and selling only the structures on it, ensuring long-term affordability.

  3. Tenant Protections: Enhanced protections for tenants, including rent control measures and stronger eviction regulations to prevent unjust displacement.

  4. Green Building Standards: Introduction of sustainability requirements for new developments, promoting energy efficiency and environmentally friendly construction practices.


Coverage and Inclusion

The HOME Initiative is designed to benefit a wide range of residents and stakeholders in Austin:

  1. Low-Income Families: By increasing the availability of affordable housing units and providing financial support, the initiative directly assists low-income families struggling with rising housing costs.


  3. Middle-Income Earners: The inclusion of mixed-income developments ensures that middle-income earners also have access to affordable housing options in desirable areas.


  5. Developers and Investors: The incentives and funding opportunities attract developers and investors, encouraging them to participate in creating affordable housing solutions.


Benefits for Residents

The HOME Initiative offers several benefits to Austin residents:

  1. – Increased Housing Availability: By allowing higher density housing and supporting new developments, the initiative aims to reduce the housing shortage in Austin.

  2. – Affordability: Measures such as community land trusts and affordable housing incentives help keep housing prices in check, making it easier for residents to find affordable homes.

  3. – Stability: Tenant protections and support for homeowners ensure that long-term residents are not displaced by rising costs, providing stability for families and communities.

  4. – Sustainability: The green building standards promote energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of new housing developments, contributing to a healthier living environment.


Benefits for Investors

Investors can also reap significant benefits from the HOME Initiative:

  1. 1) Incentives and Funding: Financial incentives and support from the city make affordable housing projects more attractive and financially viable for investors.

  2. 2) Market Demand: The high demand for affordable housing in Austin presents a lucrative opportunity for investors to meet this need and benefit from stable rental income.
  3. 3) Community Engagement: Participating in the HOME Initiative allows investors to positively impact the community, enhancing their reputation and building goodwill.

Risks and Challenges

Despite its benefits, the HOME Initiative is not without risks and challenges:

  1. 1) Regulatory Hurdles: Navigating the complex regulatory environment can be challenging for developers and investors, potentially leading to delays and increased costs.

  2. 2) Market Saturation: An influx of new housing developments could lead to market saturation, affecting property values and rental prices.
  3. 3) Community Resistance: Some community members may resist higher density housing and changes to their neighborhoods, leading to potential conflicts and delays.

Expert and Community Leader Opinions

Experts and community leaders have weighed in on the HOME Initiative, offering a range of perspectives:

  1. Housing advocates and non-profit organizations generally support the initiative, emphasizing its potential to address the critical issue of housing affordability in Austin. Austin Mayor Steve Adler stated, “The HOME Initiative is a bold and necessary step to ensure that every Austinite has access to safe and affordable housing. It reflects our commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable city.”


  3. Some experts caution that the success of the initiative depends on effective implementation and ongoing support from the city. They stress the importance of monitoring and adjusting the program as needed to ensure its goals are met. “While the initiative is promising, it will require diligent oversight and flexibility to adapt to challenges that may arise,” said Dr. David Green, a housing policy expert at the University of Texas at Austin.


  5. Community leaders appreciate the focus on tenant protections and sustainability but highlight the need for ongoing community engagement and input to address local concerns and ensure the initiative benefits all residents. “It’s crucial that the voices of our communities are heard throughout this process. We need to ensure that the benefits of the HOME Initiative are felt by those who need them most,” said Jessica Ramirez, director of the Austin Housing Coalition.


Comparisons with Other Cities

Several other cities, including some in red states, have undertaken similar initiatives with varying degrees of success, offering valuable insights and lessons for Austin:

  1. Houston has implemented several initiatives aimed at increasing affordable housing. The city’s Houston Housing Authority (HHA) has been actively involved in creating mixed-income communities and providing rental assistance programs. Houston’s emphasis on public-private partnerships has resulted in successful projects like the Northline Apartment Community, which offers affordable housing options with comprehensive community services. “Our goal is to create sustainable communities that provide opportunities for all residents,” said Tom McCasland, Director of the Houston Housing and Community Development Department.


  3. San Antonios Mayor’s Housing Policy Task Force developed a comprehensive housing policy framework to address affordability and supply issues. The policy includes zoning changes, incentives for affordable housing, and the establishment of a housing trust fund. The city’s focus on neighborhood revitalization and preserving affordability has been central to its approach. “We are committed to ensuring that all San Antonians have access to safe, affordable housing,” said Mayor Ron Nirenberg. The initiatives have received positive feedback for their community-driven approach and strategic funding allocation.


  5. Nashville, Tennessee, through the Barnes Fund for Affordable Housing, provides grants to non-profit developers to create affordable housing units. The city’s inclusionary zoning policies also require developers to include affordable units in new developments or contribute to the Barnes Fund. The focus on leveraging city-owned land for affordable housing projects has been a key element of Nashville’s strategy. “Nashville is growing rapidly, and we must ensure that our growth is inclusive and benefits everyone,” said Mayor John Cooper. The city has seen success in increasing the number of affordable housing units, though challenges remain in meeting the high demand.


  7. Dallas has implemented a series of housing initiatives aimed at increasing the supply of affordable housing and preventing displacement. The Dallas Housing Policy, adopted in 2018, includes measures such as upzoning, targeted housing investments, and incentives for developers. The city’s Comprehensive Housing Policy has been praised for its data-driven approach and focus on equity. “We are committed to creating a Dallas where everyone has the opportunity to live in a safe and affordable home,” said Mayor Eric Johnson.


Bottom Line

The HOME Initiative represents a comprehensive approach to addressing Austin’s housing challenges. By focusing on affordability, sustainability, and community stability, the initiative aims to create a more inclusive and resilient housing market. While there are risks and challenges associated with its implementation, the potential benefits for both residents and investors are significant. Ongoing support from the city, effective implementation, and community engagement will be key to ensuring the success of the HOME Initiative and creating a brighter future for Austin’s housing market. Lessons from other cities, such as Houston, San Antonio, Nashville, and Dallas, provide valuable insights into potential outcomes and highlight the importance of careful planning and community involvement in achieving lasting success.

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The Importance of Home Warranties: Why Texas Builders Should Offer Them

Homebuyers seek warranties to ensure protection against construction defects, providing peace of mind and financial security. Warranties become essential in the home buying process as they cover potential issues with workmanship, materials, and major structural components. These warranties also serve as a competitive advantage for builders, setting a standard in the industry.

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What should Buyers do in light of persistent high interest rates?

At the end of the day, it appears unlikely that interest rates will see drastic changes this year, and it is even less probable that they will return to the historically low levels experienced during the pandemic. According to insights from the Mortgage Bankers Association, while a gradual decline in mortgage rates is anticipated, a new normal around 5% could be expected, marking a shift in what homebuyers might consider a favorable rate moving forward. Understanding these aspects can help buyers make informed decisions in a real estate market characterized by relatively elevated mortgage rates.

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Is this the end of elevated interest rates?

At the end of the day, it appears unlikely that interest rates will see drastic changes this year, and it is even less probable that they will return to the historically low levels experienced during the pandemic. For buyers, the projected environment of relatively stable but not drastically reduced interest rates means adjusting expectations and planning accordingly.

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We don’t just buy and sell homes. We build community by helping clients find their place in the world.

Timothy Powles and Adam Stanley work together on the Adam Timothy Group at Compass RA and manage AT Real Estate Group LLC, a rental and vacation property investment business. We are about building community. We believe a real estate transaction is an important and extremely significant event but relationships last a lifetime. Our clients, partners, and friends trust us to get to know their story and what is most important to them.  And we work tirelessly to retain that trust.



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What should Buyers do in light of persistent high interest rates?

Market Perspectives Blog Post

What should Buyers do in light of persistent high interest rates?​

At the end of the day, it appears unlikely that interest rates will see drastic changes this year, and it is even less probable that they will return to the historically low levels experienced during the pandemic. According to insights from the Mortgage Bankers Association, while a gradual decline in mortgage rates is anticipated, a new normal around 5% could be expected, marking a shift in what homebuyers might consider a favorable rate moving forward (MBA Newslink) (theMReport).

For buyers, the projected environment of relatively stable but not drastically reduced interest rates means adjusting expectations and planning accordingly:

  1. Adjusting Budgets: Buyers should plan for higher-than-historical-average mortgage rates, adjusting their budgets to accommodate around a 5% interest rate as a “new normal.” This is higher than the ultra-low rates seen during the pandemic but lower than the peaks observed recently.

  3. Long-Term Planning: Those looking to buy might consider more long-term fixed-rate mortgages to lock in rates close to current predictions before any future increases.

  5. Market Timing: With rates not expected to return to pandemic lows, waiting for significantly lower rates might not be beneficial. Buyers ready to purchase should consider entering the market when they find the right property, rather than trying to time the market for better rates.

  7. Exploring Options: Buyers should explore various financing options. Some might find more favorable terms with different types of loans or programs, especially first-time homebuyers who might benefit from various assistance programs.

  9. Considering Total Costs: High interest rates can significantly impact the total cost of owning a home. Buyers should calculate potential payments under different interest rate scenarios and consider how changes in rates could affect their long-term financial commitments.

  11. Home Choice: The type of home buyers choose may also be influenced by interest rates. In a higher rate environment, more affordable or smaller homes might become more appealing, or areas with lower property values could see increased interest.

Understanding these aspects can help buyers make informed decisions in a real estate market characterized by relatively elevated mortgage rates. Please email Info@adamtimothy.com to start your home buying or selling journey. The Austin market can be tough to navigate.⁠ Don’t try to do it alone. Let’s Talk. 

Is this the end of elevated interest rates?

Market Perspectives Blog Post

Expert Opinions

In a recent interview on CNBC’s “Last Call” hosted by Brian Sullivan, Dave Liniger, the co-founder of Re/Max, discussed the current state of the U.S. housing market, particularly in the context of interest rates. Liniger expressed optimism that the housing market is nearing the end of a cycle characterized by high interest rates. He noted that while the market has faced significant challenges due to these elevated rates, there are indications that we may be approaching a turning point where rates could begin to stabilize or decrease.

This perspective is particularly relevant as it reflects broader sentiments in the real estate sector where market participants are anticipating changes in monetary policy that could ease the cost pressures associated with buying homes. Liniger’s insights are valuable for stakeholders looking to understand the trajectory of the housing market as it navigates out of a period of high interest rates.

For more details on the interview with Remax cofounder, you can visit the source here: CNBC.

Experts from Zillow and Redfin provide various insights into the impact of elevated interest rates on the housing market. Both companies suggest that while the market may see some improvements in inventory and prices into 2024, high mortgage rates are expected to persist, affecting the pace of recovery in the real estate sector.

Redfin’s predictions for 2024 include a nuanced view of the market dynamics. They anticipate some regional price declines, particularly in areas like coastal Florida, where risks such as climate change impact desirability and insurance costs. Conversely, regions perceived as more climate resilient, like Albany and Rochester in New York, may see price increases. Redfin also forecasts a trend of “boomerang migration,” where individuals who moved to more affordable locales due to remote work policies during the pandemic may return to major job centers as these policies are reversed (Redfin).

Zillow echoes some of these sentiments, noting that while there may be a slight easing in the market for buyers, significant challenges remain due to stubbornly high mortgage rates. Both firms highlight the ongoing affordability issues and the slow shift towards a more balanced market (Money).

Mortgage Bankers Association VIew

The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) anticipates that mortgage rates will decrease throughout 2024 and into 2025. The MBA’s forecast suggests that by the end of 2024, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate could decline to around 6.1%, and further to 5.5% by the end of 2025. This expectation is based on the premise that the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes may slow down, leading to a narrowing spread between mortgage rates and Treasury rates.

The MBA also predicts a mild recession in the first half of 2024 due to a combination of factors, including the depletion of pandemic-era savings, higher interest rates, and tighter credit conditions. Despite these challenges, the demand for homes is expected to remain strong, particularly from first-time homebuyers who are entering their prime home-buying years. This ongoing demand, coupled with a tight inventory, particularly for entry-level homes, is expected to support continued price growth in the housing market (MBA Newslink) (theMReport).

What does all of this mean for Buyers?

At the end of the day, it appears unlikely that interest rates will see drastic changes this year, and it is even less probable that they will return to the historically low levels experienced during the pandemic. According to insights from the Mortgage Bankers Association, while a gradual decline in mortgage rates is anticipated, a new normal around 5% could be expected, marking a shift in what homebuyers might consider a favorable rate moving forward (MBA Newslink) (theMReport).

Understanding these aspects can help buyers make informed decisions in a real estate market characterized by relatively elevated mortgage rates. Please email Info@adamtimothy.com to start your home buying or selling journey. The Austin market can be tough to navigate.⁠ Don’t try to do it alone. Let’s Talk. 

Tesla’s Layoffs in Austin: A Minor (yet painful to many) Ripple in a Strong Economic Pond

Market Perspectives Blog Post

Once again… The sky is NOT FALLING. Let’s dive once again into economic news, moving beyond the clickbait and sensational headlines that often dominate media coverage.

Let’s be clear: our hearts go out to those who have recently lost their jobs in any of the reductions that have been announced this month. As always, our goal is to provide a balanced perspective that helps you understand the broader economic context, encouraging informed discussions rather than reactive conclusions.

Recently, news broke that Tesla is laying off approximately 2,600 employees in Austin. While such headlines might initially seem alarming, it’s essential to view them in the broader context of Austin’s robust economy.Despite Tesla’s downsizing, these layoffs represent just a small fraction of the overall workforce in the Austin metropolitan statistical area. With a labor force that numbers in the hundreds of thousands, the impact of these layoffs, though significant for those affected, is relatively minimal on the city’s economy as a whole.

Austin’s economy has shown remarkable resilience and dynamism. Even now, the unemployment rate in Austin remains impressively low, standing at 3.6% as of February 2024, unchanged from the same period last year. This stability in the unemployment rate, compared to the historical average of 4.25%, indicates the city’s strong ability to maintain job opportunities.

Moreover, the economic strength of Texas as a state adds another layer of resilience. With a robust economic performance, Texas features diverse industries from technology to energy, which contributes to its low unemployment rate of 3.9% as of early 2024. This state-level economic stability supports and sometimes buffers local economies like Austin’s against potential economic downturns.

Austin continues to attract investments and new business ventures, thanks to its vibrant culture, innovative spirit, and favorable business climate. This ongoing influx of opportunities not only helps mitigate the effects of job losses but also contributes to the overall economic stability and growth.While the layoffs at Tesla are undoubtedly challenging for those directly impacted, the broader perspective is that Austin’s economy, bolstered by the economic strength of Texas, remains strong and well-positioned for the future. This event, though noteworthy, is just a minor ripple in Austin’s thriving economic pond.

Please DM here or email Info@adamtimothy.com to start your home buying or selling journey. The Austin market can be tough to navigate.⁠ Don’t try to do it alone. Let’s Talk. 

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Homebuyers seek warranties to ensure protection against construction defects, providing peace of mind and financial security. Warranties become essential in the home buying process as they cover potential issues with workmanship, materials, and major structural components. These warranties also serve as a competitive advantage for builders, setting a standard in the industry.

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What should Buyers do in light of persistent high interest rates?

At the end of the day, it appears unlikely that interest rates will see drastic changes this year, and it is even less probable that they will return to the historically low levels experienced during the pandemic. According to insights from the Mortgage Bankers Association, while a gradual decline in mortgage rates is anticipated, a new normal around 5% could be expected, marking a shift in what homebuyers might consider a favorable rate moving forward. Understanding these aspects can help buyers make informed decisions in a real estate market characterized by relatively elevated mortgage rates.

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Is this the end of elevated interest rates?

At the end of the day, it appears unlikely that interest rates will see drastic changes this year, and it is even less probable that they will return to the historically low levels experienced during the pandemic. For buyers, the projected environment of relatively stable but not drastically reduced interest rates means adjusting expectations and planning accordingly.

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We don’t just buy and sell homes. We build community by helping clients find their place in the world.

Timothy Powles and Adam Stanley work together on the Adam Timothy Group at Compass RA and manage AT Real Estate Group LLC, a rental and vacation property investment business. We are about building community. We believe a real estate transaction is an important and extremely significant event but relationships last a lifetime. Our clients, partners, and friends trust us to get to know their story and what is most important to them.  And we work tirelessly to retain that trust.



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